An ambitious young reporter, John Grogan, and his wife, Jenny, also a reporter, move to a Florida, buy a house and adopt a Labrador puppy they name Marley. Marley quickly becomes a rollicking force of nature in their lives.
Comedy, Drama and Adaptation
Running Time:
2 hr. 3 min.
Release Date:
December 25th, 2008 (wide)
MPAA Rating:
PG for thematic material, some suggestive content and language.
20th Century Fox Distribution
Comedy, Drama and Adaptation
Running Time:
2 hr. 3 min.
Release Date:
December 25th, 2008 (wide)
MPAA Rating:
PG for thematic material, some suggestive content and language.
20th Century Fox Distribution
I saw this movie and it was amazing and moving. This is a must see movie.